Thursday, January 23, 2014

His Love, Her Knowledge

“I think I’ve decided,” I declared.

“Decided what?” she asked in return.

“That I truly love you and when we’re old, you and I are going to get married.”

“Really?” she questioned.


“But you don’t even know me.”

“I know your name, age, family, and even your favorite color and flavor.”

“Okay, but do you really know who I am?”


“I don’t think you do.”

“Yeah, but I don’t think you do either.”



“So, until you really know me, you can’t really love me, and you can’t actually marry me.”

“So I can’t just love you now?”

“Do you know me yet?”


“Then there’s your answer.”

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


He told me how.
But I didn’t believe him.

He never let up.
So I began to ignore.

He just wanted to help.
But I thought I was too far-gone.

He disagreed.

He reached for me.
I ran from him.

He cried for me.
I cried for me.

He loved me.
I was certain I was too broken for that.

He still loved me.

He waited for me.
I thought he left.

He watched with the eyes of a lover.
I screamed with the voice of despair.

He felt my pain as his own.
I cried to be understood.

He knew me.

Saturday, January 11, 2014


I want to run to the sea
To the place where I can rest
Breathe in the ever-moving consistency
The ever-changing breath
The comforting breeze
My freedom, my sight

Find me the forest, on the edge of the sea
The home that I've always dreamed of
Where life meets life, in the glade, in the breeze
Let me run with the creatures and sing with the sea
And remember back when
The place we came alive

To be found in that place
With a smile and only a few words
Someone can tell you the rest
Nature has a way of saying what words cannot
I want you to find me there
In that place
With that heart

          I'll talk with the animals and with the stars
          Laugh with the ocean and with the winds
          Sit with the rocks and with the sands
          Live in the trees and in the lands
          And watch as time rolls back
          Ask me then, maybe I'll know the answer
          Probably not

          Then I'll sigh and I'll sing
          I'll dance and I'll shout
          I'll walk and I'll run

          Not because I'll know
          But because I can be okay with not

          But what I'll have learned
          Is where to look and where to find