Thursday, July 25, 2013

My World

This is my world. This is my home. This is how I see things.
And you don’t understand me. You don’t know who I really am.
You don’t get me.

But someone does, someone will, eventually.
I’ve got some great ideas in here, but no one can see them.
Well, not yet, anyway.

People are just too caught up in all the busyness.
They don’t take the time to stop and see what others think.
They don’t see it.

I’ve got some of the most amazing wonders in my world.
I’m just waiting for someone to come and look inside it,
And see my home.

I’ve got unicorns and butterflies all caught up in here.
But, I also have deep thoughts and prayers.
All of it is in me.

I just want someone to take a quick peek inside.
To look past my shell and view me as whom I really am.
I want someone to see me.

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