Sunday, January 6, 2013

Ghosts of the Past

            Moments, lost in the ages. Images engraved in memory. Past moments reaching through time. Choices, decisions, failures staring back at me from their inception. Glimpses of things long gone, fragments of life past, reminding me of who I was. Ghosts walking in my previous footsteps, each a cracked mirror of me. They walk in my stride as the man I was. I see them, the ghosts, each one staring at me, shaming me for who they are. They accuse me just by their own existence, for they are the ghosts of me. 

            Everywhere I’ve gone I see them, looming as my past. I see them as they do what I did and are who I was. Always reminding me of all the wrong decisions I’ve made. They drone on me, but I won’t forget them. They point me forward into life. They give me eyes to see. I can forgive and put aside any resentment, but I will not forget them, for then I can never move forward.

            The ghosts and I are bound together through time. I used to be them, though now I am not. Now I am something new. A new creation, refashioned in a different likeness. But, I still remember them and I will not yet forget them for I still need them. They will continuously exist until each one will be spoken of and remembered in a moment of eternal reckoning. I am locked in a paradox with them; without me there is no them, and without them, I would forget who I am.

The ghosts are of good prospect; they direct me forward into life and remind me of who I am through showing me who I was.

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